
In this section, you will find the general documentation for the NPM packages within Codey. Before you can install any of these, you first need to follow the installation guide hereopen in new window.

Version tags

Packages can published with 2 different tags:

  • @latest: latest production version release of a package
  • @next: pre-release of a package, that will later move to production once QA approved

These tags can be used when installing a codey packages e.g. npm i @xerius/codey-style@next. The @latest tag is the default used by npm.

Updating Packages

Updates can be done using the npm check updatesopen in new window package. Install this package globally using npm i -g npm-check-updates and then run one of the following commands to update the codey packages:

Update to the latest version (inc pre-releases)

ncu -f '*xerius*' --target greatest -u

Update to the latest stable version

ncu -f '*xerius*' -u

After running the command, you can inspect the changes to the package.json file and then run npm install to install the updated packages.

Redesign Migration Overview

Codey Packages

The following points provides an overview of the migration steps required:

  1. Install the latest @xerius/codey-tailwindopen in new window and follow the installation guide.
  2. Install the latest @xerius/codey-assetsopen in new window and follow the migration guide found in the changelog. This mainly concerns migrating getCodeyImageUrl usages.
  3. Install the latest @Xerius/codey-componentsopen in new window.
  4. Remove the @xerius/codey-style package as it is no longer required.
  5. Update the related packages like cookiebot, hello-customer, codey-core to the latest version and follow their migrations steps in the changelog.

The largest changes are in the @xerius/codey-components and @xerius/codey-tailwind package. To migrate the code successfully and using the maximum search capabilities of your IDE we suggest the following workflow:

  • Check the components changelog and update impacted components within your application.
    • Update components used within templates so the all are PascalCased conform the vue naming conventionsopen in new window e.g. <xer-button> becomes <XerButton>.
    • All xer prefixes on component props are removed so the prop naming is the same as adopted PrimeVue components.
  • Remove the xer- prefix used by tailwind classes in your application. e.g. xer-bg-primary becomes bg-primary. If all components are updated as requested above, you can use the search and replace functionality to replace xer- with an empty string.

The last step is to update the colors and tailwind util class usages to the new tailwind configuration. Migration info is found in the changelog.

Other Packages

Besides the codey packages, you will likely need to update other dev and normal dependencies to be able to uphold correct versions between the packages. This exercise is already done on the codey starter and you can find interoperable versions in the package.jsonopen in new window file.


We are currently aware that there are some issues with version compatibility between the packages. This is mainly in the devDependencies. We are sitting on the low end of versions compatibility as some maintenance is highly due on the codey code base. This is on our roadmap after the component releases.

Vue 2 Support

While we are migrating application to Vue 3, we decided to keep a Vue 2 version of our packages and available. Once migrations are complete, we will deprecate the Vue 2 packages and remove them from the registry.


The Vue 2 packages names are suffixed with -vue2 and require a separate installation if they are needed.

Update your package.json with the following change to switch to the Vue 2 packages:

"dependencies": {
  - "@xerius/codey-style": "^1.0.0",
  + "@xerius/codey-style-vue2": "^1.0.0"

The version numbers of all packages is kept the same and will continue to uphold the semver standard.


The documentation for Vue 2 will not be published online. Most features will be directly ported to codey Vue 3 and this documentation will be updated accordingly.

If required, the Vue 2 documentation can be run locally by checking out the vue2 branch of the codey repository and running the following commands:

npm install
npm run app:docs

CDN Resources

The CDN resources for Vue 2 are available at the following location:

This folder contains the current available resources:

  • style
  • cookiebot
  • hello-customer
Contributors: Thomas De Pauw, Thomas De Pauw, 🧨 Thomas De Pauw