
Codey v11

This release is the last general versioning release that will be released. At Codey we felt that this way of versioning creates a misconception about what version someone is using of Codey. As the previous version, v10, has no packages that actually carry that version number it has no semveropen in new window meaning.

Therefor we decided to create this last general release where every packages is pushed to 11.0.0. After this point, every package will follow the semveropen in new window rules and maintain his own version.

Migration are now made available for every package so a clear path per packages can be followed. For example the migrations of Codey Style

Codey v10 - Moelleux

  • Codey components 6.x.x
  • Codey patterns 3.x.x

Codey v9 - Tiramisu

  • Codey icons 1.x.x
  • Codey components 5.x.x

Codey v8 - Lemon tart

  • Codey storybook update

Codey v7 - Gingerbread

  • Codey style 6.x.x
  • Codey components 4.x.x
  • Codey hello customer 2.x.x
  • Codey components 3.x.x
  • Codey style 5.x.x

Codey v5 - Red velvet cake

  • Codey style 4.x.x

Codey v4 - Applecake (No longer IE11 compatible)

  • Codey components 2.x.x

Codey v3 - Cheesecake

  • Codey style 3.x.x
  • Codey components 1.x.x
  • Codey cookiebot 2.x.x
  • Codey translations 1.x.x
  • Codey translate 1.x.x
  • Codey polyfills 1.x.x

Codey v2 - Eclair

  • Codey style 2.0.x
  • Codey components 0.0.x
  • Codey cookiebot 1.0.x
Contributors: Sybren Willemot, Thomas De Pauw